
I’m Clare, a 30-year-old gal from North Wales. I live with my husband Tom and our cheeky dog Mac. By day, I work in Digital Marketing, and by night, I live in my imagination; it’s lots of fun!

As an avid reader and fantasist, I started a ‘Book and Tea’ to post how much I loved reading, to jump into the book blogger world and to make new friends with similar interests. The name comes from two of my favourite things in life: books and tea. I’m also a big fan of sushi and Chinese food – who isn’t?

Asking a book lover to describe their favourite books is like asking a parent to choose their favourite child – it’s never going to happen! I will happily read anything (within reason). If my life depended on it I would pick a selection of Young Adult, Contemporary Fiction, Fantasy, Victorian Fiction and Biography novels.

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