Valentine’s Book Love – QandA & Guest Post from Jennifer Joyce

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Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! I hope you all have a lovely day, regardless if you’re single or taken! Today on the blog it’s all about the ‘Valentine’s Book Love’. Simona from Sky’s Book Corner has done a great job at creating this love-inspired blog tour where there are some exciting things happening! There is a selection of top 5 posts, giveaways and question and answers. Below you can see a list of bloggers involved and what is happening on their blogs!

SimonaSky’s Book Corner – Top 5 Kisses / Aven Ellis Guest Post – Q&A and Giveaway!
Alba Alba in Bookland Top 5 Dates / Nikki Moore Guest Post – Q&A and Giveaway!
EmmaStar Crossed Reviews – Top 5 Couples
Clare (me) – Top 5 Weddings / Jennifer Joyce Guest Post – Q&A and Giveaway!

Opened book and heart shape
As a writer of romantic comedies, there is a definite relationship between books and Valentine’s Day for me. I want my books to be fun and romantic, which is what I also want on 14th February. Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate love, whether that is with a partner or husband who you love despite the dirty socks left lying on the bedroom floor, or during that magical time of falling in love. Both are equally special and I like to write about either situation and hope to find humour in both.

In my novel, Everything Changes But You, Ally feels that her life has become stale with her husband Gavin. Their lives lack spontaneity or any kind of glamour, which Ally craves. So when her birthday arrives, Ally makes a wish as she blows out the candles, wishing for a more exciting life. But when her wish comes true, Ally quickly realises that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side and she begins to truly appreciate the life she had with Gavin. I think Valentine’s Day is a welcome reminder for us to take a step back from our busy everyday lives and appreciate what we have. Those dirty socks left lying on the bedroom floor aren’t so important when you think about how much you love your partner or spouse and how much they enrich your lives. Valentine’s Day is a little less drastic than a life-altering wish, but it can have the same results – with the added bonus of cards and chocolates!

Follow the ‘read more’ tag for a great love inspired question and answer from Jennifer!

Have you ever written a Valentine’s Day scene? If yes, tell us more about it.
I haven’t written a Valentine’s Day scene in my full-length novels but I do like to write Valentine’s-themed short stories for fun, which I post on my blog and on Wattpad. My favourite is Roses Are Pink, which tells the story of newly divorced Grace, who receives an unsigned Valentine’s Day card in the post. It was one of my first short stories that I dared to post on my blog!

What would your perfect Valentine’s Day date be?
I’m quite easily pleased. As long as I can have a bath in peace (I’m a mum of two. This rarely happens) and perhaps a trip to the cinema to watch something fun and girly followed by a nice meal, I’m happy.

Your favourite couple in a book?
Nadine and Dig from Lisa Jewell’s Thirty Nothing. I first read the book when I was around 18 and I go back to it every few years. It never, ever gets old. I’d love to go and fly a kite with them!

Your favourite kiss in a book?
Again, this is probably Nadine and Dig. They are such good friends and obviously meant for each other. I couldn’t wait for them to get together.

Your favourite TV/Film kiss?
Cher and Josh in Clueless. They are such a cute couple (and who wouldn’t want to kiss Paul Rudd???)

Do you like Valentine’s Day?
I do! It’s nice to be given a nudge every now and then, to remind us to show how much we love and appreciate our partners.

Your worst date ever?
I’m lucky that I haven’t been on any truly terrible dates. I met my husband when I was 18 and all our dates have been fabulous (I have to say that, just in case he reads this. I’m KIDDING, of course)

Your best date ever?
Probably my first date with my husband. We went out with my best friend and her now-husband (it was their first date too. They met on the same evening I met my husband as they were out in the same group). It was fun and exciting but also pretty relaxed. If I’d have known that this was it, that this was the man I was going to marry and have children with, I probably would have been a lot more nervous!

Your favourite romance movie?
You’ve Got Mail (it was almost my favourite kiss from a movie, but Clueless won as it doesn’t have a dog trying to join in!)

The best Valentine’s present you ever got?
I insist my husband and I only exchange token gifts for Valentine’s Day, so I’m happy with a card and a heart-shaped chocolate lolly.

jennyAbout Jennifer
Jennifer Joyce is a writer of romantic comedies who lives in Manchester with her husband and their two daughters. Her novels A Beginner’s Guide To Salad and Everything Changes But You are out now.

You can find out more about Jennifer and her books at:
Twitter: @writer_jenn



A Valentine’s Day post wouldn’t be complete without a selection of fantastic giveaways.

Giveaway’s galore

An e-copy of Waiting For Prince Harry by Aven Ellis – ENTER HERE
An e-copy of Everything Changes But You by Jennifer Joyce – ENTER HERE
An e-copy of Valentine’s on Primrose Hill by Nikki Moore – ENTER HERE

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